Dear reader,
That's a real pleasure to present to you our guide to getting started, understanding, and traveling through the Cross The Ages Universe, a valuable resource that would not have been possible without the exceptional contributions of some great members of our community. Before going into the details of this guide, we want to express our sincere gratitude to Azphel, Hippocrate, Manela, Toyoras, Mandos, BobVolte, Malombres, Panda, Stoxca, and Bondix, whose expertise and commitment were crucial to its development.
To you, the reader, we say thank you. Thank you for jumping on this learning journey with us. This guide has been specifically designed to help you understand, start effectively in the project, and be guided throughout your CTA journey. The shared knowledge here aims to provide you with the necessary tools for success and facilitate your immersion in our community.
Feel free to explore the guide, ask questions on our Discord, available on our Linktree, or suggest modifications; this guide is constantly evolving for you.
We appreciate your trust and commitment to Cross The Ages and our community.
Wishing you a pleasant reading!
The Cross The Ages Team
Last updated