To Transform a Card into an Eternal one: The Mint

Different types of Card

You will probably have already noticed that on the Cross The Ages TCG you can play with Static, Flex and Eternal cards.

For the current article, remember that:

  • A Static card can be crafted but cannot be transformed (minted) into an Eternal card. (option coming soon)

  • A Flex card can be crafted and transformed into an Eternal card until the end of the mint period of the concerned season.

  • An Eternal card can be crafted when you want, no time limit.

All of the crafting steps (power up, awakening and merge) therefore apply to all cards in the TCG. Let's see how to transform a Flex card into an Eternal card, a card that you become the owner.

The Mint Process

An Eternal card is simply a Flex card that has been minted (mint cost: $1 in CTA tokens). The action of minting is registered in the blockchain and this is considered as a "property deed". So no one can modify it. Eternal cards can be used in-game (without any conditions), can be sold, traded and rented.

The mint cost is and will stay at $1 (in CTA token), regardless of the value of CTA token. To mint, you must have done your KYC.


When you will do the awakening step with a standard Flex card, you will have to choose between getting the alternative result in Static or Eternal card. In the Eternal version, you will automatically mint the card and will be deducted from the value of $1 in CTA token. (coming soon)

It's a one way!


During the current season

While a current season is on, such as S01 - Arkhante, only Eternal cards have a maximum supply. Flex cards are distributed on request (in-store and rewards). Then they are unlimited.

If the maximum supply of an Eternal card is reached during the season, then no more copies of this card available in Flex can be minted. The mint can only be opened again when one of these Eternal cards has been burned during an awakening or a fusion process.

As long as the alternative and combo versions do not reach their supply, it will be possible to sacrifice Eternal cards, both standard and alternative. This process will free up space, allowing the mint of these same cards in Flex version.

After the season

When a season ends, Flex Cards from that season are no longer available.

But, they do not become obsolete, crafting is still available until the end of the mint period.

After the Mint Period

When the mint period ends, no more cards from that season can be minted. All Flex cards will automatically change to a Static card if no action is taken to have it in Eternal version. This therefore means that:

  • Standard Eternal cards, whose supply has not been reached, thus obtain what is called the real supply. It is lower than the maximum supply announced at the launching season. This supply is deflationary as long as there are cards left to sacrifice to create alternative versions and combos in Eternal format.

  • Alternative Eternal cards have an open supply until there are no more standard Eternal cards to sacrifice. This supply also remains deflationary, as long as it is possible to make combo cards.

  • Combo Eternal cards have an open supply until it is reached by sacrificing alternative Eternal cards. Once this supply is reached, it is said to be locked. The sacrifice of alternative then standard Eternal cards is then no longer possible and the supplies of cards whatever their level are closed.

It is therefore important to understand that if an S01 - Arkhante card is needed to create an Eternal S02 - Mantris combo card for example, you must have the S01 - Arkhante card(s) in Eternal version.

This rule works for all CTA collections. Thus, an Eternal S01 - Arkhante card could be used to create other combos in the future seasons.


1. I still have rewards chests (daily and weekly) from the S01 - Arkhante. Will I lose them once Arkhante season ends on October 25, 2023?

No, these chests are yours. You can open them whenever you want. However, if you open them after March 29th, 2024 (end of the mint period), your cards will be in Static version.

2. I have an S01 - Arkhante Basic chest in digital version, what is the deadline to mint it?

If you want to get Eternal cards for the opening time, you have to mint it before the end of the mint period (S01 - Arkhante: March 29th, 2024). If not, after this date, you will get only Static cards.

3. When the supply of an Eternal card is reached, what happens in terms of numbering of the burned cards?

When an Eternal card is burned, its number is coming back into a pool to be distributed again to the next Flex cards that will be minted. If for example we have standard Solis Eternal card numbers 10, 99, 150 and 985 burned, the next standard Solis minted will randomly have one of these numbers.

Last updated