Arkhante Packs

Five card packs are available during the Arkhante season: Standard Pack / Apprentice Pack / Disciple Pack / Primus Pack / Legacy Pack.

Standard Pack

Standard Packs were offered as giveaways. They contain 20 NFT cards and 20 CTA tokens. Opened, the initial CTA cap is increased by +1,000 CTA.

On the 20 cards, you have a 1 in 12 chance of getting a Mythic card.

Apprentice Pack

Apprentice Packs are part of the CTA Premium pack family. They have the main advantage of containing a red mint pass.

It is important to mention that when opening a Premium pack, there is a 1% chance of getting a Golden mint pass.

Also, the first 10,000 opened Premium packs had the chance to receive the SR combo card Hannibal & Honora, (max. supply: 10,000), so it is not possible to get it anywhere else other than the marketplace today. The Hannibal & Honora card brings you an airdrop of an equivalent card on every new season (full details here).

Disciple Pack

Just like the Apprentice packs, the Disciple packs are part of the Premium pack family. They contain a green mint pass.

There is still a 1% chance of getting a Golden mint pass.

The SR combo card Hannibal & Honora was also available in the first 10,000 opened Premium packs. The Hannibal & Honora card brings you an airdrop of an equivalent card on every new season (full details here).

Primus Pack

The Primus packs contain a greater number of cards than their friends, a blue mint pass, and increase the CTA cap by +1,400 tokens.

As previous packs, there is still a 1% chance of obtaining a Golden mint pass.

The SR combo card Hannibal & Honora was also available in the first 10,000 opened Premium packs. The Hannibal & Honora card brings you an airdrop of an equivalent card on every new season (full details here).

Legacy Pack

Legacy packs, the famous first packs ever issued, have its own story. Victims of a blockchain error, it becomes the most in-demand CTA asset. They are highly prized for all the in-game benefits they bring and the awesome Legacy mint pass.

Just like the Apprentice, Disciple, and Primus packs, you have a 1% chance of getting a mint pass, not Golden, but Golden Legacy...the Holy Grail of mint passes!

The Legacy pack cannot be played on its own. It can be opened by combining it with another Premium (Apprentice, Disciple, Primus) or Standard pack, which gives it substantial bonuses. Upon opening, you can obtain one of the 7 levels presented below. This means you can add from 1,000 to 20,000 CTA tokens, as well as free mints and animations.

You can open a Legacy pack alone or with a Mantris pack for example, but it would be such a shame not to enjoy of all these bonus.


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 2,000 CTA

  • 480 Free Mint

  • 20 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 3,000 CTA

  • 960 Free Mint

  • 30 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 4,000 CTA

  • 960 Free Mint

  • 30 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 5,000 CTA

  • 960 Free Mint

  • 40 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 6,000 CTA

  • 1,440 Free Mint

  • 50 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 10,000 CTA

  • 1,440 Free Mint

  • 60 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote


  • 1 Legacy or Golden Legacy mint pass (1% chance)

  • 40,000 CTA

  • 1,920 Free Mint

  • 100 Free Animation lvl 2

  • A Solis Emote

Last updated